Zucchini Pizza Bites To Curb Your Pie Desire

Lately my wife and I have been a bit more selfconscious about our nutrition. No, we do not eat a bunch of junk food or fast food. We did feel however there was still room for improvement.

You’ve been there, you accidentally run into pictures from a couple of years ago and think “man, did I put on some weight”? It’s perfectly normal to feel this way and you can easily correct a few things in your daily nutrition to help you feel better about yourself.

One quick sure fire way to do this is by reducing your intake on things such as an entire pizza. Sure, it’s convenient on Friday nights to call up your favorite pizza chain and order an extra cheesy pie with extra pepperoni but you know damn well you will regret your decision in the morning.

Rather than sacrificing pizza altogether, try changing it up a bit by serving zucchini pizza bites. These wonderful little guys will give you a helping of veggies and it will help curb your desire to order that pizza pie you may regret later.

Be sure to watch the video below courtesy of Delish.

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