Tuna Salad Sandwiches Will Never Be The Same

This tuna salad gets it’s natural sweetness thanks to the use of a Fuji apple instead of sweet relish. You are probably thinking, “apple? wtf…?” Don’t worry, I thought the same thing at first. Surprisingly, it does work.

This recipe has become one of the most popular on our site and if you happen to read the comments on our Facebook page. Lots of people have been adding apples to their tuna salad for quite a while. Some people have even gone as far as to add grapes instead.

Initially, the flavor combo of apples, grapes, and mayo along with chicken or tuna was thought to be ridiculous until a maître d’hôtel in the famous Waldorf-Astoria hotel stumbled upon the flavor combo proving everyone wrong. These flavor combinations lead to the creation of the Waldorf Chicken Salad which is now an incredibly famous recipe. Read the history and see the recipe by clicking Waldorf Chicken Salad.

Ps, the recipe below makes 2 sandwiches.


  • 2 (5oz) cans chunk light tuna in water, drained
  • 1⁄2 medium fuji apple
  • 2 tablespoons red onion
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 1⁄2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 1⁄2 teaspoons minced fresh basil
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon fresh dill
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Stir all of the ingredients in a small glass or ceramic bowl (avoid aluminum or stainless steel bowls because the lemon juice will react with the metal causing an off taste).

Recipe adapted from: The Lemon Bowl

Photo source: Breezy Bakes


Hi Maria, it sounds like a lot but this recipe serves 4 people. Most tuna brands come in 4-5 oz portions so you can see how the math adds up. Ps, the recipe is being updated so that it now serves 2 people and slight modifications have been made. Enjoy!

Drop of LIGHT mayo ( not fatfree theyre different), Aldis tuna in oil, drained ( it is wildcaught), chopped celery. Just a bit. Chillt it for about 1 hour..some salt. Awesome. If i want boiled eggs, pickles, grapes, or apples ( and i will), i will eat them on the side.
Thats my way, and everyone should enjoy their food their way.

Chunk light tuna? I feed that to my cat. But a good albacore in water, that’s the ticket. My tuna salad is fairly purist – Best Foods mayo, chopped green onion, a squeeze of lemon.

It took me years to get used to water packed tuna instead of oil bc my ex husband said that’s all he liked. Ff 24 yrs,I just found out my hubby loves the oil packed tuna!!!!!!

I only buy tuna in a pouch. I really love it and it comes in different flavors, including jalapeño which is yummy. It comes in one serving pouches. I like to add sweet relish, a boiled egg, red onion, hot mustard, and Louisiana hot sauce and eat it on Melba toast.

When someone shares a recipe it’s the way they enjoy it. They are only offering a suggestion. If you don’t care for some of the ingredients that is your opinion, of course. I don’t understand why some have to react like others ideas are stupid. Let’s just learn from each other choosing what works for us.

This isn’t new. I use apple, lemon juice to coat the apple, mayo and sandwich spread, boiled egg, and a dab of sweet relish. Sometimes I use grated carrot, tomato, mayo and sandwich spread, and dill relish.

Apples, nuts &/or grapes are delish in chicken salad, NOT tuna! Celery, sweet red onion, lemon juice to taste, sweet relish or dill relish & mayo to taste & some hard-boiled egg make yum tuna.

I never use apple or onion( i’m a barber and breath on people all day ) but what i DO use is a BIG tsp of horseradish for some ZIP, and it’s NOT overpowering along with fresh dill and parsley!!!!! YUM

On a trip to England I was introduced to tuna salad with corn in it. Now I always add corn to my tuna sandwiches. Delicious… and a little crunch.

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