This Recipe Is Your Guide To Keeping The Crisp In Zucchini Parmesan Crisps

Why is it that all bad foods are so freakin’ good? Sure, you could make the argument that not all healthy food is boring and tasteless and there are some really great recipes out there but you can’t beat something fried, or can you?

Whether you’re making doughnuts, fried pickles, or in this case zucchini parmesan crisps. One thing is for certain, the food has to be crispy. Zucchini parmesan crisps are pretty tasty but they become an absolute nightmare when you bite down and greasy slippery fat squirts out everywhere.

That is a clear sign that you my friend have screwed up royally when you fried them. If you happen to be eating at a restaurant and this happens to you, calmly ask for your waiter or waitress. Send the food back, and either ask to see a menu or ask for a refund and leave.

Head on over to the next page to find out how the dilemma of soggy greasy, zucchini parmesan crisps was totally avoided and see the full recipe.


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