The Trick To Easy And Delicious Garlic Shrimp

Okay, so to make really incredible tasting garlic shrimp there are two very important things you need to do.

  1. Keep it simple
  2. Buy raw shrimp

You were expecting some crazy instructions, right? That’s problem number one with shrimp. Most people over complicate cooking shrimp thinking they need a list of ingredients that reads like Santa’s Naught or Nice list. When it comes to shrimp the easier you keep the recipe the better.

You want the shrimp to be the star of the meal not your seasoning and spice mix. By keeping the flavorings simple you allow the naturally sweet and slight saltiness of the shrimp to enhance the other items they are eaten with.

The second very important rule to killer garlic shrimp is purchasing raw shrimp. Yes, raw shrimp are a bit more work but you reduce the risk of overcooking the shrimp. Shrimp are pretty much cooked through when they go from gray to pinkish-orange. If you purchase already cooked shrimp, you will need to cook them a second time to make sure they are safe to eat which means they will be overcooked and rubbery.

Now that you know the tricks to really great shrimp now matter how you cook them. Head over to the next page for the full recipe.



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