The Ice Cream Melting the Internet

Welcome to the wonderful world of egg waffle ice cream. What is an egg waffle? Well, unlike a Belgian Waffle, egg waffles get their name from the ingredients and the unique shape of the waffle cone.

That’s right, the typical square crevices we are used to filling with syrup or fresh fruit has been replaced with egg shaped crevices that are actually puffed up instead of hollow like the standard waffle.

The appeal is being able to add what seems to me hundreds of different toppings commonly found on the already standard ice cream, except there are several Asian toppings and flavors  like lychee fruit, Pocky Sticks, or even a fortune cookie just to name a few.

If you are on the East Coast, you get these ice creams at Eggloo in New York City’s Chinatown. If you are on the West Coast, you find a very similar treat at Cauldron Ice Cream in Santa Ana California.

Need a little more persuading as to why you need to try one? Head over to the next page to see a recipe video from Pop Sugar on how to recreate these at home if you don’t want to throw down some cash to fly to either of the locations previously mentioned.


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