Chicken Chow Mein You Will Want Everday

My noodle addiction continues to grow and I constantly need to find new and yet simple ways of eating them. There is something to be said about unique recipes, especially when it comes to noodles. Sometimes, however, all you really want is a bowl of traditional noodles. You know, nothing super fancy. Just, lots of […]

Sweet Potato Mac N Cheese

This is one of those recipes that will transport you to your childhood, minus the overly processed ingredients. Even now as an adult there are probably dinners and or lunches in which you serve a side of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. It goes great with steaks, and braised meats that are served with thick sauces […]

A Modern Spiralized Pad Thai

Today’s recipe utilizes the handy spiralizer tool. What is a sprializer you ask? Its a nifty little tool that allows you to take any vegetable and turn into a spiraled noodle. The kitchen gadget comes with different blades for different results but the outcome is really cool. The video below shows you an creative way […]

Let’s Make Chicken Ramen

Ahhh Ramen, perhaps the only food I can think of at the moment in which you can eat while slurping. Ramen is so popular it lead to a major Ramen empire lead by famous New York chef and restaurateur David Chang. Ever heard of the Momofuku Group? Ramen is no longer the food choice of […]