Homemade Ritz Cracker Thin Mints

I could not believe someone was able to create homemade Ritz Cracker Thin Mints. You take a buttery, salty and slightly sweet cracker and then cover it in minty chocolate. Making dessert could not be any easier. From simply glancing at these Ritz Cracker Thin Mints you believe they are the real deal. Then you take […]

Don’t Make Mint Juleps Like Mojitos

Mojitos are great and they have a special place, however not when you are making mint juleps. Although the drinks are somewhat similar, its easy to see how they would be confused. After all, they both use a fair amount of mint to create. Check out the video below to start making actual mint juleps […]

The Perfect Mojito

Let’s say this together. Ready? 1, 2, 3…Mojito! Nice job, now let’s learn to make the perfect mojito together. Regardless of you being a man or a woman, mojito’s can be enjoyed by either sex without feeling the pressure of what people are thinking. Quite the opposite in fact. No Passerby will be able to prevent […]