Hearty Eating With Italian Hunter Stew

During cold winter months eating hearty stews and braised dishes could not be any better. As the weather gets colder and colder, you are going want to reach for a bowl of a thick broth and or sauce with chunks of fork-tender meat. A prime example of a hearty stick to your ribs meal is Chicken Cacciatore. Cacciatore […]

Kale And White Bean Sausage Soup

It seems the trendiness of Kale has finally gone done. You still kale being served in some restaurants and your favorite eateries but not as much as before which is kind of nice. Sure, kale is good for you and blah blah blah, but it’s not that impressive of a vegetable. I am someone who […]

Fully Loaded Chicken Caprese Pasta

There are ton’s of different caprese salads out there and we have shared a couple really cool ones but this caprese is one of the coolest we have ever seen. I can’t think of a more complete meal than this. We are calling it the fully loaded chicken caprese pasta because it features the standard […]

One Bite Caprese Appetizer

Caprese salad is perhaps one of the best appetizers/first course meals you can have. This dish is a perfect example of how simple is often best. The caprese salad brings together three very simple ingredients (a fourth being extra virgin olive oil used from time to time). You take fresh mozzarella, ripe sweet tomatoes, and […]