They Said It Could Not Be Done Oatmeal Cookies

Cookies without sugar? “That’s not a cookie”. Cookies without flour? “You’re crazy!” Cookies without out butter? “You lost your mind and need help!” Cookies without eggs? “Sorry but I am calling the local psychiatric facility, it’s for your own good”. People said it could not be done yet here we are. Making a cookie without […]

Modernizing Chocolate Croissants The Easy Way

If you have ever been to France you know how addictive their pastries can be. One pastry that comes to mind that is extremely addictive and delicious is the chocolate croissant aka Pain au chocolat. Their popularity has made them readily available in most bakeries nowadays. You can even find chocolate croissants at your favorite name brand […]

The Dessert Taco Trifecta

Typically a trifecta is used when betting on a race and determining the winners in sequential order. Today you will be the winner with these three amazing taco desserts regardless of the order in which you choose to eat them. Riding on the popularity of dessert tacos, I found a video that shows you the […]