Stuffing Brioche Doughnuts With Salted Caramel Cream

The instructions for frying and filling the doughnuts can be found below.

Frying your doughnuts:
  1. Take your brioche dough out of the fridge and line two baking trays with baking parchment ready for your cut doughnuts.
  2. Flour you work surface and tip the dough out onto it. Using a floured rolling pin, roll the dough out to 1/2 cm thick. Using a floured 2-inch cutter, cut out your doughnuts and place onto the prepared baking trays; leaving 2 inches between each. Re-roll any scraps and cut out more doughnuts. Once all the doughnuts are cut, cover them with a kitchen cloth and leave to prove for 1 – 1 1/2 hours or until doubled in size.
  3. When you’re ready to start frying your doughnuts, fill a large saucepan 2-3 inches deep with vegetable oil. Place over medium heat until the oil reaches 180°C (350 °F) Get a shallow dish ready with some granulated sugar to drop your doughnuts into and a plate to set your sugared doughnuts on.
  4. Carefully pick up your doughnuts and drop in 2-3 at a time into the hot oil. Leave to cook on one side for a minute or two, then turn them over using a slotted spoon and cook on the other side for another minute until both sides are golden brown. Keep an eye on the temperature of your oil; if it gets too hot, lower the temperature as your doughnuts may cook too quickly on the outside and remain raw in the center.
  5. Once the doughnut is golden and cooked to perfection, take them out of the oil and drop into the granulated sugar. Roll the hot doughnuts around, coating them in the sugar. Move them onto another plate, making room for the next doughnuts.
  6. Once all the doughnuts are cooked, coated and cooled you can start to assemble.
Filling the doughnuts
  1. Take the caramel pastry cream from the fridge and beat for a few seconds until smooth with a spatula.

  2. Whisk the double cream in a separate bowl until it becomes very softly whipped. Take a spoonful of the cream and beat it into the pastry cream to let it down slightly before folding it through the remaining whipped cream. Place your caramel diplomat into a piping bag and snip the end off so that you have a small hole.

  3. Using a small sharp knife, poke a hole into the center of each doughnut from the side. Fill the doughnuts by inserting the tip of the piping bag into the doughnut and piping in the filling. The doughnut should feel heavy if it’s filled completely.

  4. Eat as soon as they’re ready. The fresher the better!

Recipe source: Add More Butter

Photo source: Hint of Vanilla 

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