Slurping Allowed When Eating Sriracha Shrimp Ramen

It may be tempting to purchase ramen noodles served in a styrofoam cup as your quick and inexpensive weekly lunch, but trust me on this don’t!

Making your own ramen soup is really simple and totally worth it. Don’t get me wrong, there is something fun and nostalgic about purchasing Cup a Noodles from time to time. I guess if you want to reminisce about your college years past, then slurping on some Cup a Noodles is a way to go.

Hopefully, you are somewhere in your life where you enjoy going out for ramen with friends and coworkers but if you happen to live or work in a large city. Eating $10-$15 bowls of ramen once a week is a bit rough. That’s like 20 Cup a Noodles for god sake.

The alternative to this crazy ramen madness is to make your so that you don’t go broke feeding your ramen addiction. Now before you get all flustered and say, ‘but I don’t know how to make ramen’. There really is nothing to it.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret, but first head over to the next page to find out what it is and to see the recipe for the best sriracha shrimp ramen you have ever tried.


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