Cue Alannah Myles, Black Velvet Cake

I was recently visiting my dentist when Alannah Myles Black Velvet came on the radio. You know that 80’s ballad with the steady thumping drum followed by the deep bass. Then Alannah’s voice kicks in.

For those of you outside the 80’s time period here is the little walk down memory lane. Now do you recognize the song?

While my dentist was working away, I could not help think about red velvet cake, which then led to the thought of black velvet cake. The song was playing after all and what better time to think about food then when your dentist is drilling away at your teeth.

Ironically, after the song was over my dentist and I began a conversation about red velvet cake and surprise surprise, black velvet cake. [nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

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