Pretty Please, With Balsamic Cherries On Top? Of My Pork Chop That Is!

We all know the expression, “cherries on top”. It’s an expression commonly used to sweeten a deal or to make a situation seem more enticing.

When it comes to food the expression can be used in the literal sense of adding a cherry on top to make a dish look more appealing. A cherry may not make your ice cream or brownie any more appealing that it already is, but what your pork chop?

Pork, regardless of which part of the animal it comes from, holds a special place in the world of food. Sections such as pork chops or tenderloins are highly prized and cooked leaving it pink in the center like most steaks. Sections like the belly are used to make bacon and the hind legs are used in making the best prosciutto’s in the world.

I could go on with a list of pork sections used in making some of your favorite dishes but that could take all day. Given pork’s special place in the world of food, is it safe to say the deal is already sweet enough?

Not by a long shot, as it turns out you can sweeten a deal or in this case a pork chop by topping it off with cherries and a little balsamic vinegar. Make sure you head on over to the next page to see how this was pulled off and to obtain the list of ingredients and the full recipe.


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