My Hate For Pretzels Led To This Dessert

This recipe has a rather lengthy list of instructions so to keep things simple for you we have split the instructions into two pages to make the recipe easier to follow.

Instructions Part 1

  1. Dissolve your yeast in your warm water in a large bowl. Stir together for about 1 minute until mostly combined.

  2. Add in your salt, sugar and butter and stir everything together.

  3. Add in your flour, 1 cup at a time until dough is thick and no longer sticky. Add more flour 1 TBS at a time if needed to make sure dough isn’t sticky. (Poke dough with your finger, and dough should bounce back – then it is ready)

  4. Lightly flour a flat surface.

  5. Knead your dough for 3 minutes and form into a ball.

  6. Oil a large bowl with nonstick spray and place dough in. Cover bowl with a towel and place in a warm area.

  7. Allow to rest in warm area for about 30 minutes.

  8. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.

  9. Bring 9 cups of water with ½ cup of baking soda to boil.

  10. Cut your dough ball into 6 sections.

  11. Roll each section into long ropes about 20-22 inches long.

Get the remaining list of ingredients on the following page.[nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

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