Make Your Paella Really Come To Life By Replacing The Sausage With Chorizo

In the U.S. when most people here the word chorizo, their minds often drift to south of the border. That’s because Mexican chorizo is readily available here.

We didn’t replace the sausage with Mexican chorizo, we replaced it with Spanish chorizo. You are probably wondering, “what’s the difference”?

It’s quite large actually. Mexican chorizo is a lot like the “sausage” you buy at the grocery stores that comes in tubes and is used to make sausage patties.  The meat is ground up and it is heavily seasoned with chilies making it spicy (not a bad thing by the way).

Spanish chorizo on the other hand is more like a dry salami. It can be sliced and eaten as is, or it can be cut into chunks and pan fried. That’s exactly the direction we are taking with this recipe.

Now that you have the inside scoop on this incredible Paella. Be sure to go to the next page to obtain the full list of ingredients and recipe to this chicken and chorizo Paella.


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