Getting Away From Mayo Potato Salad And Switching To A Vinaigrette One Instead

Let’s be honest with ourselves. Potato salad goes great with picnics and BBQ’s. A chilled creamy potato salad sitting next to a couple slices of tri-tip, a burger, or some pulled pork is stuff poems and songs are written about (well, maybe country songs).

The two problems I have with potato salad are:

1. Overcooked potatoes making the “salad” more like a chilled mashed potatoes.

2. A potato salad that uses 1/2 to nearly 3/4 of a small jar of mayo.

I get potato salad is supposed to be creamy but lets not get carried away. I came across a potato salad that prevents both problems almost entirely.

This potato salad calls for grilled potatoes, which add a hint of smokiness and the grilling process slightly hardens the outside of the potato keeping the inside tender not mushy. Instead of mayo or sour cream, the potatoes are dressed with a lemon parsley vinaigrette that is way better than mayo. Get the full recipe on the next page.


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