They Said It Could Not Be Done Oatmeal Cookies

Cookies without sugar? “That’s not a cookie”. Cookies without flour? “You’re crazy!” Cookies without out butter? “You lost your mind and need help!” Cookies without eggs? “Sorry but I am calling the local psychiatric facility, it’s for your own good”. People said it could not be done yet here we are. Making a cookie without […]

Cooking Fried Chicken Like It’s 1736

You probably thought fried chicken was just an American thing didn’t you? When I first came across this video my initial reaction was, “wait come again”. This video recipe shows you the English way of making fried chicken….if today was 1736! I must admit the video was not only entertaining it was also surprisingly informative […]

Hip Hip Hurray For Whoopie Pies

No these little desserts are not named after the actress Whoopie Godlberg nor do they have any thing to do with her. They are however delicious and the best way to describe them is the following way. If an Oreo cookie were French and incredibly wealthy it would not be made out of cookies. The Oreo […]