Are Those Cauliflower Tortillas? Why Yes They Are

It was only a matter of time. After all, we have cauliflower pizza crust, cauliflower rice, cauliflower chips why not substitute the one things most Mexican’s eat with practically every meal.

Tortillas! That’s right folks. There is now a recipe for cauliflower tortillas. You may think I sound a bit jaded but in reality that is not the case.

I personally feel the recipe to be really creative. Will I toss the corn and flour tortillas that occupy space in my fridge year around? hell no! I will however crank these out after putting away 6-8 tacos after a night out and feeling really guilty the next day.


  • 3/4 head cauliflower
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • juice from 1/2 lime (add the zest too if you want more of a lime flavor)
  • salt and pepper, to
  • taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Trim the cauliflower, cut it into small, uniform pieces, and pulse in a food processor in batches until you get a couscous-like consistency. The finely riced cauliflower should make about 2 cups packed.
  3. Place the cauliflower in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 2 minutes, then stir and microwave again for another 2 minutes. Place the cauliflower in a fine cheesecloth or thin dishtowel and squeeze out as much liquid as possible, being careful not to burn yourself. Dish washing gloves are suggested as it is very hot.
  4. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs. Add in cauliflower, cilantro, lime, salt and pepper. Mix until well combined. Use your hands to shape 6 small “tortillas” on the parchment paper.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes, carefully flip each tortilla, and return to the oven for an additional 5 to 7 minutes, or until completely set. Place tortillas on a wire rack to cool slightly.
  6. Heat a medium-sized skillet on medium. Place a baked tortilla in the pan, pressing down slightly, and brown for 1 to 2 minutes on each side. Repeat with remaining tortillas.

Recipe source: Recipe Girl

Photo source: Paleo Leap


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