An Exquisite Bowl Of Seafood Gumbo Doesn’t Require A Flight To New Orleans

You no longer have to travel to New Orleans to enjoy an amazing pot of gumbo. Contrary to what some people tell you, the best gumbo does not necessarily come from New Orleans.

Sure, the stew originated in Louisiana but that was thanks to the cultural melting pot that is gumbo. If it wasn’t for the Native American’s, French, Creole, and African slaves; gumbo might never have existed.

Each one of these groups was responsible for adding something new to gumbo which has made gumbo what it is today. Many of the items include bay leaves, file powder, okra, and sausage, which were not common ingredients in early America. The ingredients have helped gumbo achieve its incredible flavor to the point they are pretty much required. All of these ingredients can be found outside of New Orleans so you don’t need to purchase an airline ticket to have a bowl of gumbo.

Since gumbo is a cultural melting pot, the dish is open to interpretation. Everyone who makes gumbo will make it slightly different and therefore you will have a different batch of gumbo. There is no right or wrong way to make gumbo, the point is that you make it in the first place, the second point is that you share it with friends and family.

Be sure to head over to the next page for an amazing seafood gumbo recipe that you will want to make year around. Don’t forget to share the results with friends and family as well as the recipe.



Hi Warren Kanekoa filé powder (pronounced like fillet). Is dried and ground sassafras used as a thickening agent and flavor enhancer in gumbo. Some people feel using filé is unnecessary when your gumbo has okra in it because the okra thickens and flavors the gumbo. It’s really a matter of preference.

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