A Really Moist Spice Cake Needs A Little Apple Sauce Love

You may not know this now but, applesauce is the secret super hero saving the world of baked goods.

As it turns out applesauce is an excellent healthy substitute for butter and oil in baked goods. In most recipes the usage of butter, oil, and various other fats is intended to give moisture to baked goods.

Applesauce is able to accomplish adding moisture to baked goods without the need to used fats or in some cases drastically reduce the amount of fat required in a recipe.

The other benefit to using applesauce in a recipe has to do with the natural sugar found in apples. Using applesauce in baked goods allows you to cut down on the amount of sugar required in a recipe making the baked good healthier.

Head over to the next page to get the list of ingredients and recipe for this applesauce spice cake that is both super moist and delicious.


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