The Intrigue Behind Scones And The 5 Most Unique Recipes Ever

For the longest time, I felt scones were overrated; until I tried making them myself. It’s true, scones never really appealed to me whenever I set foot inside a bakery or coffee shop.

Every time I looked at one of these pastries, I thought to myself “what a dry and sad looking pastry”. When you compare it to say a mini fruit tart, a chocolate croissant, or a Napolean with fresh whipped cream and strawberries, scones seem like an afterthought. They are the red headed step child you wish you could forget.

Believe it or not, but I have given scones a chance and every time they were as suspected, dry and uninspiring. That was the case until that fateful Saturday morning in which I decided to set aside my grudge and give scones one final chance by making them myself. This was perhaps one of the best decision I could have made.

For the longest time, I kept wondering why all the popular food bloggers, celebrity chefs, and popular food websites kept churning out scone recipes year after year like clockwork. It got to the point I began to wonder about myself and if I had somehow missed something everyone else clearly understood.

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