A Coffee Cake That Includes Mocha

You may have noticed we really like coffee cake around here. It’s perhaps one of the easiest cakes on the plane to make that will hardly ever turn out bad.

Forgetting to put the cake in the oven and or cooking the cake at the wrong temperature are the only ways to screw up a coffee cake.

Ideally, a coffee cake was made to offer a light sweet something to enjoy with coffee either with a morning coffee or a coffee after dinner. That’s part of the reason why coffee cakes have their name.

What about cake, eaten with coffee (meaning the coffee cake has the coffee cake baked in)? Mic drop moment. Word of caution, choose the right coffee cup size if you choose to eat this cake with a cup of coffee.

Get the full recipe from My Baking Addiction by clicking the link below.

Photo and recipe: My Baking Addiction

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