A German Inspired Cheesy Casserole

We don’t often write about casseroles but we felt compelled to write about this one. Perhaps it’s because some of us are a little biased towards cabbage and dishes containing cabbage.

Please don’t click that little X on the right corner of your browser. We have some solid info to share with you! For example sauerkraut. This amazing pickled version of cabbage goes great on sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, or various grilled cuts of beef.

Or what about braised cabbage? All it takes is a little bit of cabbage, some chicken stock, onion powder and celery seed. Serve this over steamed riced, and place a grilled Tilapia fillet on top for one of the healthiest and tastiest meals you have ever tried.   This meal sounds all too easy and it will make you wonder why you did know about this sooner.

German’s have the right idea by incorporating a little cabbage with their meat dishes like in this casserole. Head over to the next page to obtain the recipe and find out what makes this dish so special and why we highly recommend you try making this meal.


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