A Red Wine Bucatini Pasta That Brings More Happiness Than Barney The Dinosaur

Do you remember that giant lovable purple dinosaur that brought smiles to children’s face when the show came on T.V? Perhaps you were one of those kids. Don’t worry we won’t make you admit this.

You are a working professional at this stage of your life and you would hate nothing more than being mercilessly ridiculed by your colleagues at work.

The show was filled with controversy and more urban legends than teen slumber party but at least many kids seemed to be happy. Now that you are an adult you take joy and pride in your career, your family, or perhaps that bottle of red wine sitting at home waiting for you to uncork it this evening.

If the last sentence describes you, that’s perfect because this pasta is going to need red wine, lot’s of it. So go buy another bottle right now then come back and read the rest of this post. What does red wine garlic bucatini have to do with Barney the Dinosaur? Head over to the next page to find out and to see the list of ingredients you need for this recipe.


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