Tangy And Sweet Cranberry Lime Tart

You would think a dessert featuring a cranberry and lime curd would be overly tart forcing you into duck face overload only acceptable in a Kim Kardashian selfithon.

Thankfully that is not the case. The cranberry lime curd in this tart is tangy just enough to be subdued by the sweetness of the crust. The original recipe was translated from Bake Street but was left in metric measurements.

I personally recommend the usage of a digital scale which quickly allows you to switch from the Imperial measurements and Metric for this recipe. On a side note the scale is an excellent investment if you want to prepare more European desserts.


Chocolate graham cracker crust:
  • 380 g graham crackes 14 oz
  • 50g cocoa powder
  • 190g semisweet chococlate
  • 50g butter
Cranberry lime curd
  • 325g cranberry pure (roughly 375g of fresh cranberries)
  • 275g of lime juice (roughly 15 limes)
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 300g sugar
  • 50g corn starch
  • To decorate: Black berries, cranberries, and a couple of wedges of orange.


For the chocolate graham cracker crust
  1. Melt the chocolate and butter together in bain marie. Stir until both are incorporate.
  2. Blend the graham crackers and cocoa powder in a food processer. Place the graham cracker cocoa crumbs into a bowl and add the melted chocolate and butter. Mix well until you have uniform dough.
  3. Press this dough into a pie tin or tart mold until the base and sides are completely covered with the dough.
  4. Place the dough into the fridge to set for 1 hour.
For the cranberry lime filling
  1. Squeeze the juices from the limes.
  2. Thoroughly wash the cranberries and then blend in a food processor. Strain the cranberries and using a rubber spatula or spoon, press pulp through the strainer to get as much of the pure as possible. Discard the skin and anything left behind in the strainer.
  3. Combine the lime juice, cranberry pure, egg yolks, sugar, and cornstarch in a medium pot. Whisk the ingredients until all are well combined. Place on the stove on medium heat and whisk continuously scraping the bottom of the pot to prevent lumps from forming.
  4. Continue heating until the cornstarch thickens the mixture (roughly 5-8 minutes). Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature (roughly 20-30 minutes), then pour into the chilled chocolate graham cracker crust. Spread the cranberry filling evenly using rubber spatula.
  5. Place in the fridge to cool completely for 2 hours.
  6. Prior to serving decorate with cranberries, blue or black berries.

Recipe source: Bake Street

Photo source: Bon Appetit

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