A Refreshing New Look On Albondiga Soup

Soup makes for a wonderful meal regardless of the time of year, and there is one soup in particular that encompasses everything you want in a soup.

I personally feel soup, should be not only filling but regarding as well. Think of tomato soup with a side of grilled cheese or chicken noodle soup with a bread stick or two. Of course these are just some small examples because there are hundreds of different soups out there.

Perhaps my affinity for soup as something to do with growing up eating Mexican food most of my life. In Mexico “soups” know as caldos (pronounced cal-doughs) are an excellent way of eating various cuts of meats along with veggies. An excellent soup that fits this bill is Albondiga soup. This soup has a ton of flavor encompassing both meat and veggies, however it has been slightly modified to use turkey meat to “lighten” things up.

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