Putting Fish Back Into Burgers

When you read this title you probably thought what the hell is wrong with this person? No this was not click bait and no I am not crazy, although my mom and wife may disagree. When it comes to burgers we all love the taste of smokey perfectly grilled chuck (you probably did not know it was ground chuck). We live in a modern age however where we deep fry anything, put bacon on everything, and we try to turn Mexican food into pizza.

Why can’t we go a different direction? One filled with sanity and tasty food. I say it’s time we start making burgers that are not only delicious but health conscious as well. Don’t get me wrong, I love eating a burger however you can’t eat burgers 2-3 times a week because of the health implications. Instead of resorting to eating red meat and or turkey, try making a fish burger. It does sound a little nuts but the same thing applies to McDonald’s Fish Filet or frozen breaded fried fish filets. When these products were first created the world though McDonald’s and all other food manufacturers had lost their sh#*@.

Check out Food and Wine’s article as well as several recipes showing you ways to make and eat fish burgers. You can read the full article on Food and Wine.

Photo source: Food and Wine

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