Time To Give A Rat About Ratatouille

You probably thought I was talking about the Disney moving showcasing the Parisian rat who’s dream is to cook fine food. I was actually talking about the simple and very tasty French vegetable stew, although the movie is pretty awesome.

If there was ever an example to showcase simple food is best, this would be that example. The recipe stands the test of time and it was used as a way of making a humble and filling meal from available vegetables in the countryside when meat was not always an option.

Typically this veggie stew is enjoyed in Provence during the summer months because it uses several summer vegetables. However, I personally feel you can enjoy it any time of year now that more fruits and vegetables are available year around.

There are two ways you can go about making this dish. The first is by cutting all of your veggies into cubes and cooking them together along with the rest of the ingredients or you can take the elegant approach by slicing the eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes into rings and then arranging them in concentric circles like the image on this post.

Either option is fine, head over to the next page for the full recipe and instructions to this awesome recipe.


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