Mini Steak And Stout Pies Are the Key To Happiness

So you may have noticed there is a lot of craziness going on around the world. Since we are not a political site and I am sure you come here for something other than politics we won’t go into the subject instead we will focus on something guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Don’t be skeptical, the waters warm!

What is likely to put a smile on your face regardless of whatever is going on in the world of economics, politics, or business? Food! I am sure you can agree. We all have those turn to food items that help liven our moods after a bad breakup, loss of a job, or sadness-inducing experience.

Pies always seem to make me a bit happier, and I am sure if you gave them a chance they would make you happier also. Now, if you remember the title of this article you would recall we are not talking about fruit pies. The pies in question are meat pies, which are pretty common in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand and soon your kitchen.

Think of a Shepherd’s pie or chicken pot pie if you are a little confused, except these pies have beef and they are cooked with stout.

Head on over to the next page to see these awesome steak and stout pies in action and see the entire recipe.


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