How To Make The Little Pasta-Like Potato Dish Often Seen In Italian Restaurants, (It’s Not Pasta)

I am hoping you are someone who is fond of pasta. After all, what is there not to love right? It pairs well with wine, you can use tomato or cream as your sauce and you can add just about any vegetable and protein your little heart desires.

There are probably thousands of pasta recipes that could be made with the many kinds of noodles that exist today. One dish that I am very fond of and is often classified as pasta is the little potato dumpling that sounds like the word gnome.

That’s right, I am talking about gnocchi. Contrary to what most people think. Gnocchi is not a pasta because it is not a noodle. Gnocchi is actually a dumpling that is cooked the same way as a pasta noodle hence the confusion.

Much like pasta, gnocchi can also be paired with a variety of meats and veggies, and it goes great with either red or cream sauces. Check out the video below which shows you how to make gnocchi at home. It’s actually easier than making your own pasta noodles!

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