Making Cold Brewed Coffee And Then Putting It To Use

Cold brewed coffee has gained massive popularity in the last year. People have begun experiment with cold pressed juice to improve their health so it makes sense that people would experiment with cold brewing coffee.

People claim that cold brewed coffee helps reduce the bitter after taste most coffees have. This occurs as a result of cold brewed coffee having nearly less than 67% of the acidic oils released during hot brewing.

Having the coffee be more alkaline vs acidic is easier on the stomach and your teeth. Another really nice benefit is the coffee has a slightly creamy finish.

The video below shows you how to make iced coffee which is super easy. On the next page we have another video that shows you three really cool recipes that use your freshly made cold brewed coffee.

Be sure to check out the three recipes that use cold brewed coffee on the next page.ย [nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

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