If You Are Over Rice Crispy Treats Try A Marshmallow Popcorn Ball

You have probably reached a point in your life in which hearing the word rice crispy treat makes you cringe a little! During the course of your lifespan you have probably put away a fair share of these crunchy marshmallow treats. No I not referring to storing them in containers by the way.

If you’re like me, seeing a rice crispy treat makes you turn around and ignore their existence, like that person you dated for a few months but things didn’t work out and now every time you see them in public you feel compelled to hide behind something to avoid speaking to them.

You won’t have to suffer from dodgeitis with marshmallow popcorn balls. It uses the same concept of a rice crispy treat except it contains one of the worlds favorite snacks….popcorn.

Get the full recipe on the next page. [nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

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