Chicken Strips Inspired By Coconut Shrimp

If you have ever tried coconut shrimp you know how incredible the flavor and texture of the shrimp becomes when it is rolled and coated in a little coconut flake.

The coconut adds that extra hint of sweetness which transports you to that warm sunny beach in the Caribbean where a frosty blended cocktail awaits making contact with your parched lips, while the soothing sounds of steel drums play in the background.

This recipe has the power to do this, except you are not biting into shrimp, oh no friend! That is chicken you just bit into. Your brain is racing at an alarming rate trying to make sense of what just happened but your mouth is like, “wait…chill keep it coming”.

Coconut shrimp is tasty but coconut chicken strips? Now we’re talking. This recipe gets even better with the mango dipping sauce that is also part of the entire recipe. You can get the full recipe on Cozy Apron by clicking the link below.

Photo source: The Cozy Apron

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