Luxury Food Items: Japanese Strawberries

Japanese strawberries are the uber luxurious fruit of the country.

Japanese farmers even grow specialty strawberries that are 2-3 times the size of standard strawberries and they are sold individually for $50,000 yen, which is roughly $500 dollars. How many people do you know that would purchase 1 big ass strawberry for $500? Probably not very many.

Given the price tag of these strawberries, they are given as gifts in weddings, birthdays, or to that special someone on extremely rare occasions.

Even more rare, than really large red strawberries are white Japanese strawberries. These strawberries are crossbred and their exposure to sun is limited which keeps them ripe, juicy, and above all else, white. Watch the video below to learn more about Japanese strawberries like the white strawberry.


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