Come one and all to the wonderful world of Fiercefork. Thanks to the modern creation and adoption of social media, food-related topics are hotter than ever. 
Long gone are the days of people not caring about food and simply cooking for the purpose of eating. We live in a food revolution in which people love to showcase the food they eat, how they prepare it, and most importantly, how it tastes.
Even though you can not smell or taste endless food photos on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, etc, we all walk away with one notion. 
That looks amazing! I need the recipe to recreate this dish. There is a reason the term and the hashtag foodporn are so prevalent in our current social media-obsessed culture. Simply put, we pine for food, lust for it, and want more sultry photos of food sitting there waiting to be eaten. 
See what I mean? This simple paragraph alone got you all hot and bothered for some nice, hot, steamy plate of succulence. See, we did it again.
Fiercefork is a website created to idealize food in all its glory. The website’s sole purpose is to scour the internet and bring you amazing-looking food you can recreate at home regardless of your culinary background. 
Fiercefork believes food should be shared with the world one recipe at a time. Roll up your sleeves and put on your apron because food is about to get fierce.