Negroni-The Gin Cocktail For Fancy People

I recently had a conversation with some friends over cocktails. Does that sound like you and your friends? During the indulgence of libations the conversation of gin surfaced.

It was at this point the conversation split into two groups. Some of us discussed our love of gin as if were some lusty summer romance we never forgot about, while others made their best attempt to hold down their dinner while recounting their prior experience with gin.

As with most things in life, those with bad memories associated them with their senior year in High School or Freshman year in college.

If you happen to be on the fence, I have a Negroni recipe which might change your mood. The Negroni is the gin cocktail for fancy people. At least that’s what fancy people tell me.



Head to the next page for the full recipe and instructions on how to make a negroni even a fancy person will admire.


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