Why Is Steak Sauce Becoming Extinct?

Once you embark on the journey of food and food exploration, it’s hard to snap you out of that euphoric moment. We as humans tend to have addictive personalities which may be why so many of us end up in rehab in the first place. We all want to relive the moment we tried a true fine dining experience for the first time or the first time we ate sushi and quietly whispered into our head, ‘it’s cool it’s just food, chew, chew chew, and….swallow’.

We are living in a time an age where the internet has expanded our knowledge of food. Facebook newsfeed cooking videos and websites like Tasty are changing the way we look at food and steaks for that matter.

More people are relying on chefs these days and chefs don’t take kindly to things like A.1. Steak sauce. People all over the country are looking up to chefs and innovative food bloggers to help guide them through the journey of food exploration.

The move away from steak sauce also lines up with the trend of chefs as “compositionists” rather than just cooks. There’s an increased respect for the plated dish in general, which has also changed the value perception — diners understand that they’re not just paying for the protein, but the preparation.

Having eaten at several fine dining restaurants at my age, you go to a fine dining restaurant for an experience and the quality of the meat you will be served. The last thing you want to do is insult your host by requesting steak sauce for the perfect medium rare fillet just placed in front of you.

Quote Source: Dan Gentile for Thrillist

Photo source: @jagniffer

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