The Intrigue Behind Scones And The 5 Most Unique Recipes Ever

Was I an anomaly or perhaps a strange being from another galaxy? And so, the intrigue began. I began to look at scones as a misunderstood underdog. You know, the one they turn into stories or movies. The ones you root for in the hopes they one day reach success.

The difference, of course, is scones are no underdog and they are plenty successful on their own. They just weren’t popular to me. I now view scones the same way I have always viewed Bill Murray. You either get him or you don’t. There is something very unique about Bill Murray’s sense of humor and comedy style that make him so addictive.

Whether you are watching Ground Hog Day, Life Aquatic, St. Vincent, or Lost In Translation just to name a few. There is something almost mystical about Bill Murray. Scones have a similar mystic charm.

When you think about it, scones are simply lightly sweetened biscuits shaped like triangles that contain either fruits and nuts. When you make them at home vs buying them at a bakery or coffee shop you discover they are actually not dry and pretty incredible.

Continue reading the article and see the recipes on the following page.


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