Portobello Oven Fajitas With Chipotle

Portobello mushrooms are often regarded by vegetarians as the steak of the veggie world. I see why they feel this way. Portobello mushrooms are super “meaty”, no pun intended. I believe it has something to do with their size which allows the flesh to retain its volume unlike other mushrooms which reduce drastically when cooked. […]

A Modern Spiralized Pad Thai

Today’s recipe utilizes the handy spiralizer tool. What is a sprializer you ask? Its a nifty little tool that allows you to take any vegetable and turn into a spiraled noodle. The kitchen gadget comes with different blades for different results but the outcome is really cool. The video below shows you an creative way […]

Time To Give A Rat About Ratatouille

You probably thought I was talking about the Disney moving showcasing the Parisian rat who’s dream is to cook fine food. I was actually talking about the simple and very tasty French vegetable stew, although the movie is pretty awesome. If there was ever an example to showcase simple food is best, this would be […]