Grilled Sicilian Tuna Steaks (Tonno Alla Ghiotta)

Nothing screams Mediterranean quite like this classic Sicilian dish. Sicily after all, is the largest island in the Mediterranean making it a prime destination for enjoying some of the best seafood in the world. Commonly eaten fish in Sicily are tuna and swordfish which make great beef steak alternatives in case you were wondering. [nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

Ahi Poke The Hawaiian Tuna Tartar

Poke is to Hawaii as tartare is to the French. Although the original tartare was made with raw steak. Hawaiians have been marinating “chunks” (translation for poke) of meats including seafood for what seems like centuries. If you happen to live in a major metropolitan city you probably noticed a recent increase in poke bowls […]

Spicy Tuna Rice Cakes

If you are in the need of a little sushi as a quick snack or perhaps you want to wow your friends the next time they come over try whipping up a batch of spicy tuna rice cakes. It combines tasty Japanese sushi with the simplicity of a a rice snack on the. The end […]