Mexican Street Corn Dip

We have discovered a new and incredible way of eating Mexican street corn. Ever tried eating Mexican street corn before? If you have, you don’t need me to explain how freaking amazing corn can taste prepared this way. If you have never tried Mexican street corn, it’s time for you to stop living under a […]

Herb Pomegranate Cous Cous Salad

Pomegranate season is just underway in the northern hemisphere on this planet we call Earth. If you live in California you may have to wait until October since the season starts a little later. Regardless of how you score some pomegranates, put them to good use in herb pomegranate cous cous salad. Cous cous is […]

Broccoli Apple Salad With Cheddar Bites

Do you find yourself to be a coleslaw fanatic? It’s a hard habit to break which is why some culinary genius in a fancy restaurant invented broccoli raisin salad. Ok, so broccoli raisin salad was not invented in a fine dining environment. A really smart person with a coleslaw fixation extend this obsession to another vegetable, […]

Creamy Cilantro Quinoa Side Salad

Quinoa seems to be the go to starch these days. It’s high in protein which is the primary reason many vegetarian and non vegetarian individuals are so drawn to it. I personally feel its a great substitute for many things like flour in these quinoa and sun butter blondies. Quinoa is also a great substitute for […]