Luxury Food Items: Japanese Strawberries

Japanese strawberries are the uber luxurious fruit of the country. Japanese farmers even grow specialty strawberries that are 2-3 times the size of standard strawberries and they are sold individually for $50,000 yen, which is roughly $500 dollars. How many people do you know that would purchase 1 big ass strawberry for $500? Probably not […]

Black Cod With Miso Marinade

I was feeling a little comical this morning so I wanted to bring your a title that really captivated an incredible recipe that I have been dying to share with all of you. This recipe is really special because it uses Sablefish (aka Black Cod). Not to be confused with the standard run of the […]

Let’s Make Chicken Ramen

Ahhh Ramen, perhaps the only food I can think of at the moment in which you can eat while slurping. Ramen is so popular it lead to a major Ramen empire lead by famous New York chef and restaurateur David Chang. Ever heard of the Momofuku Group? Ramen is no longer the food choice of […]

Spicy Tuna Rice Cakes

If you are in the need of a little sushi as a quick snack or perhaps you want to wow your friends the next time they come over try whipping up a batch of spicy tuna rice cakes. It combines tasty Japanese sushi with the simplicity of a a rice snack on the. The end […]