Mind Blowing Snickerdoodle Scones

Snickerdoodles, you know those little buttery, sugary cookies smothered in cinnamon that people have a hard time avoiding, now come in a scone. You heard correctly, snickerdoodles are now a scone. For those of you hove love snickerdoodles and really enjoy scones, this recipe will be the perfect combo. If you are looking for a […]

The Quiche Pie Crust Left Behind

Every quiche I have ever eaten in my life whether it was a single serving or a slice always uses pie crust. After all this is a dish that has remained virtually unchanged for millions of years. Okay, slight exaggeration but you get the idea. This quiche however does not use pie crust at all, […]

The Bacon Waffle Desire

I have a desire for waffles and a side of bacon. Rather than take up room on my plate and take bites of each one at a time. Why not combine both? This marriage of foods adds texture to the waffles and it allows the bacon to have a little sweetness which is nice to […]

Bellini’s With Brunch

Yesterday my family and I went exploring and hiking through a scenic Muir Wood’s. Prior to our 3 mile journey with a 5 year old we decided to stop by San Francisco to quench are thirst for oysters, clams, and chilled libations. My wife ordered a Bellini to accompany her share of delicious mollusks, which […]