Soft Chewy Homemade Granola Bars

Eating correctly all of the time is pretty challenging thing. Everyone has a different definition of “correct” or “healthy” eating so rather than sit here and judge each other lets look at a way of eating granola bars that make us feel good. It’s totally cool to snack but what you really need are soft […]

No BS Lemon Bars

Are you feeling a bit behind bars when it comes to your dessert? Stop feeling like a prisoner the next time you have to put a dessert for friends or family. These lemon bars can be made in a snap, leaving you more time treat yourself to a glass of wine or perhaps that book you […]

Be The Passenger To This Sidecar

Thanks to the hipster culture of today, classic cocktails once found in swanky big city schmooze bars making a big comeback. There is a pretty good chance you can walk into any bar ask for a sidecar and the bartender will whip one up without having to reach for his phone or google. If the […]

Best Places To Drink In Oakland

Unless you are from the Bay Area there is a pretty good chance you would never think to come to Oakland for a night out drinking. Even Bay Area locals often think of San Francisco as a drinking destination, however that is all changing. If you are planning a trip to the Bay Area or currently […]