Spreading The Love With A Little Fool Proof Homemade Mayo

It’s hard to eat right all of the time, I am sure you can agree with that. As our lives get busier and busier it becomes ever more challenging to eat correctly.

So what does it mean to eat correctly, anyway? Eating right simply means eating non-processed food and spending more time eating natural whole foods. Meats, vegetables, grains, cheeses, etc.

Don’t worry this article isn’t about pitching a brand new supplement or a fad diet. It’s more about discovering the love for food and the joy it will bring to your life when you eat the things you want to eat in a healthy way.

Mayonaise happens to fall in the realm of things we like to eat with our food, but it’s not really healthy for us. Most people have a bad habit of using excess amounts of the creamy condiment pretty much taking away from what could have been a healthy meal. Instead of reaching for the jar of processed mayo try reaching for a jar of your own homemade mayo.

The health benefits are huge because you will be eating mayo made with real eggs and only a few other ingredients such as lemon juice, salt, and vegetable oil. These are all natural ingredients that do not require a chemistry degree to understand.

If you are worried about making mayonnaise, the recipe below is really tasty and is fool proof so it will be very difficult for you to mess up.

This recipe comes from the blog Don’t Waste The Crumbs and I highly recommend you check out the rest of the article because it contains additional ingredients you can add to the mayo to give it different flavors as well as a little trick to making it last longer than a week in the fridge which is the estimated time for this recipe.


  • 1 large lemon, juiced (or 2 tbsp lemon juice)
  • 1 tsp kosher salt (or ½ tsp table salt)
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 cup light olive oil
  • flavors/seasonings (optional, see below)
  • 1 Tbsp whey (optional, see below)
  • immersion blender


  1. In a wide-mouth jar, layer your ingredients as follows. First, lemon juice. Second, salt. Third, egg. Finally, light olive oil.
  2. Wait about one minute, or until the egg is at the bottom of the jar and the oils is sitting at the top of the jar.
  3. Place the immersion blender in the jar, all the way to the bottom.
  4. With the immersion blender at the bottom of the jar, press the button to “go” and let it blend for 20 seconds while sitting at the bottom of the jar.
  5. After 5 seconds, you’ll have mayo at the bottom.
  6. At the 10-15 second mark, you’ll notice the mayo creeping to the top.
  7. At about 20 seconds, you’ll have mayo near the top of the ingredients with a very thin layer of oil right on top.
  8. Very slowly (and carefully), bring the immersion blend up the side of the jar while still blending. As you do this, the thin layer of oil on the top will slowly drizzle down the side of the jar and blend with the mayo underneath.
  9. Keep bringing your immersion blender almost to the top, stopping just short so you don’t splatter mayo everywhere. Your mayo is done when all the ingredients are incorporated together!
  10. Taste your mayo and adjust your salt and/or lemon juice if desired.

Recipe source: Don’t Waste The Crumbs

Photo source: But I’m Hungry

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