Preventing Crabby Blues With Spicy Crab Bisque

Don’t be one of those people who suffers from the crabby blues. What are the crabby blues you ask? Highly trained and skilled Dr.’s from fancy academic circles who wear lab coats, deem crabby blues to be a situation in which you are sad but also pissed at the world at the same time. They believe the cure to be spicy crab bisque.

The spicy crab bisque counteracts the crabby feeling caused by a metaphysical crab that has implanted itself to the back of your head. Ps, the crab can only be seen with military grade night vision goggles after dumping cold water on your forehead.

If you or a loved one suffers from crabby blues, then preparing the recipe for spicy crab bisque might be your only salvation. Click on the next page to receive the full recipe for this cure.ย [nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

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