Making Veggies Tastier With The Help Of Parmesan Cheese

We as adults are constantly told of the need to eat a more balanced meal that includes a healthy serving of vegetables.

That doesn’t mean you need to become a full on vegetarian, we just need to add a greater helping of veggies. The problem, however, is most of us have no idea where to begin when it comes to eating more veggies. The dilemma is always, how do I cook them to make them more appealing?

I am sure I don’t need to explain to you how utterly boring and almost disgusting plain steamed vegetables taste. So how to make them tastier?

One very easy trick to eating more veggies involves the usage of parmesan cheese. Parmesan goes great on most veggies, making them more appealing to the eyes and mouth.

Head over to the next page to see the list of recipes and veggies covered with the salty, nutty cheese.


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