Making Kale More Appealing With Natural Sweetness And A Bit Of Crunch

In the last few years, everyone and their mom talked about kale and how magical it was for your health. There are even people who have turned this bitter vegetable into a career thanks to their “discovery” of kale in the health world.  Some people are still talking about its amazing health benefits

Let’s be realistic, though, I have yet to meet a person who jumps up and down with joy at the mere sound of the world kale. Sure maybe 3 years ago but not today.

More and more people are opting for veggies other than kale so how do you solve the problem? You fix the problem by pairing kale with other vibrant and sweet veggies that offset the bitter flavor.

Head over to the next page for the full recipe and to see how this bitter sometimes unpalatable veggie was turned into an amazing side dish.


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