Harry Potter Fandom Leads To The Creation Of An Amazing Stack Of Pancakes

I am sure by now you have probably read all of the Harry Potter books and watched all of the movies. You might have even read the most recent Harry Potter book which was an adaptation of a play in London.

This Harry Potter fandom has lead to the creation of…wait for it….butter beer pancakes!

You may have recalled that after the books and movies were released, the world went nuts over Harry Potter and most notably the food and candy being served in Hogwarts.

One of the best Harry Potter recipes I have seen is for these butter beer pancakes. It takes the fictitious beer and finds a creative way of turning into a recipe.

This is one breakfast you don’t want to miss so be sure to head on over to the next page for the full list of ingredients and instructions to make your very own batch of butter beer pancakes.ย [nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]

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