Demystifying A Perfectly Cooked Artichoke And How To Eat One

Don’t be afraid of artichokes, despite the fact they come from the thistle family. In case you are not aware, thistles are those alien looking plants you see outside that resemble weeds and have the stringy purple floral arrangements. These SOB’s have sharp pointy leaves and the stems are often covered in “don’t touch me” thorns.

Artichokes have similar characteristics except the stems don’t have thorns. The tips of the artichoke leaves do have pointy thorns as do the inner purple leaves and hair follicles that protect the coveted hearts we all love so much.

Aside from that, artichokes are fair game. So how do you cook and eat them? The best way of eating artichokes is cutting off the top of the leaves which often contain thorns. Depending on the size of the artichoke you want to trim anywhere from 1-2 inches off the top. The side and lower leaf tops could also be trimmed to remove any thorns and then they can be steamed, boiled, baked, braised, or fried.

Head over to the next page by clicking the “Next Page” link below to continue reading about how to eat them and see a simple recipe.


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